Using Calpendo without Projects

In a companion blog post to this one I looked at some of the reasons as to why projects are a powerful tool within Calpendo. If you are considering Calpendo for your facility and don’t think you would need to track projects I would still recommend reading it as a starting point.

In this post I am going to outline how Calpendo can also be used without projects when booking resources.

At its core Calpendo is about the ability to book a resource, whether it is a high end instrument or a meeting room. A booking could also be one in a sequence of bookings which need to be tracked against a patient rather than a project.

Regardless of the scenario a resource can be setup to not require a project when a booking is made against it. A booking though is still linked to the person who made the booking and the resource itself. This means that reports can still be produced which categorise your bookings against information drawn from other areas.

Calpendo at its heart is a general purpose database with the ability to add additional data structures which are different in use to projects and still use those in conjunction with bookings. It can also be configured to restrict or grant access to resources on the basis of user group membership or the type of users such as whether they are internal or external.

Even with facilities which are using projects it is possible to have some resources setup not to use projects at all. This is very useful if you need to book simple resources such as meeting rooms or parking spaces.

Calpendo’s flexibility has the advantage of giving you choices as to how you wish to manage your resources and the bookings made for them.

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